Making It Out the Door

As the group looked out the window this morning we just knew Miss Stella was sending us a test from the heaven's above.  Sheets of rain, fog, wind...just the sort of day that Stella would have declared to be lovely.  C'mon guys I say let's show her we can do it.  I know that Stella would have been really pleased to see the spring back in the step of her best friend this morning that has been missing for the last few days.  She also would not have been surprised in the least when Austin, totally preoccupied with his fur-less stomache, wrapped himself around a tree, fell in the mud and then tangled himself in his line getting back up.  And Stella would have been just as amazed as the rest of us when Daisy managed to wedge her plump body under the porch where it was dry and warm and then, peering through a crack, informed us that it was roomy enough under there for her to complete enough tummy crunches and deep knee bends to fulfill her daily exercise needs.  We did it Stella - the cowards made it out the door!


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