There's No Place Like Home

When I arrived at group this morning, Austin and Daisy were in the throes of a major disagreement.  Turning to me, Daisy demands that I tell Austin to stop telling his crazy tales.  "He keeps telling me", Daisy exclaims, "that he took a trip yesterday and he spun around and around and around just like a carnival ride.  I think he's been into the catnip again but he says 'no'. I slept all afternoon so who knows where he was."  You know Daisy, I respond, he could be telling the truth here.  Apparently an F-0 tornado touched down on our farm.  Now I only bring this up because I know that you are proud of your weight but you are a bit of pant-load.  Austin being of the leaner variety may have actually gotten airborne while you remained firmly rooted to the ground.  And knowing you like I do, it is highly probable that you would sleep through a tornado.  "Harrumph", Daisy responds, "well Austin is a bit trippy and he does tend to get himself into the thick of things so I will back off on the whirly cloud thing but what is it with those ruby slippers he is wearing?"


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