If Ever?!?

This morning I turned on the news for my brief snippet of COVID 19 updates before I turned it off for the rest of the day so I could resume my isolation in the woods. The commentator was interviewing another journalist from his living room. I must confess that this trend is becoming a bit tiresome... Not the self isolating part but really dude if you are in your living room how are you in the loop. Really? Basically you are just like me...in my living room...watching the news. And his performance from his living room only served to reinforce the fact that he should be watching the news from his living room not trying to participate in it. He and the commentator were discussing new cases and when the tally from new cases would start to decline. ‘Keep in mind’, he tells us, ‘the positive test results we are seeing now are from tests that were done 10 days ago.’ I sigh. Such an over generalization. Some areas do not have test shortages or lab resource shortages and are getting their results back much quicker. But ok...his wash over of the facts was just beginning and about to become appalling. The conversation continued. I became more irritated at his grip on reality. And then he said ‘we have no idea when this pandemic in Canada will end...if ever’. IF EVER? IF EVER? Listen buddy. Why don’t you just put your pyjama top back on (because face it we all know you are wearing pyjama bottoms below that dress shirt of yours) and take a seat while I give you some news from my living room. This pandemic will end because about the only thing constant in life is change. It will reach its peak saturation through either having the ‘herd’ reach the immunity quotient for this virus in countries/regions that did not start control measures early enough to contain the disease (USA) or it will slow through containment measures employed in countries/regions who listened to the World Health Organization and got an early start on containing this disease (Vietnam). That is what is called a fact. And we all need to just deal with the facts and with scientific evidence and results rather than hysterical journalists proselytizing pathetically from their living room trying to gain attention for themselves by feeding into people’s very real worries during these trying times. This is not permanent. Like life itself we will grow and evolve and learn and change. We will come out of self isolation with new knowledge that will hopefully help us live within this world with respect and love for each other and our natural environment. And we are not the only ones changing. I was interested to read an article from Iceland the other day. A country that has its act together and has been working hard to follow WHO guidelines. They have kept the spread in check and are now testing the general population for COVID 19 whether or not people are showing symptoms. They are doing this to understand the virus better and to share this knowledge with the world. They have found that the virus is changing and evolving because yes even viruses are affected by the constant of change.  It is becoming more contagious but less virulent. You can have the virus without showing any symptoms. You can trace virus mutations back to source. All sorts of facts...yes FACTS buddy in the living room. They are doing it to help countries gain ground who are up to their necks in battling this pandemic. They are not sitting in their living room in pyjama bottoms and a dress shirt pretending that they know what they are talking about and using that platform to spread unnecessary worry during an already worrisome time. If ever! If ever! Here is another use of that phrase. If ever you see that idiot commentating from his living room on your tv again...just change the channel. Because you can. Because change is constant. Because this will end.
Stay well my friends!



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