Lush Ontario

I am always amazed at how green everything is in Ontario whenever I return from the West, I tell Austin and Daisy during our morning sojourn.  Wading through the knee-high grass, I say 'The west does have the mountains, but all of this beautiful green thick grass is wonderful.'  Trailing my fingers across the tops of the long grass and flicking at the tips of the multitude of yellow dandelions, I marvel to them at how high it has grown already.  'Like really', I tell them, 'from up here it is something else.  I can hardly walk it is so thick.  From your perspective, it must be like a jungle down there as you weave through all of the stems.  You could like find a lost civilization or something!'  It is pretty cool, Austin responds, but Daisy and I are wondering when we can leave the backyard and go out into the field again.


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