We Are Birkie Bound (No We're Not)

We are Birkie bound" I declare this morning.

"No we are not" says Daisy.

"It will be epic" I continue while stoutly ignoring Daisy's interruptions.

"The only thing epic will be my snoring that day" she inserts.

"We will join with all the other stalwart souls and make our trail across the frozen tundra..."

"Nope - not happening"

"...in a re-creation of that historical journey taken so long ago..."

"Past, schmast - I prefer to live in the present and look to the future"

"...when in 1206 two brave Birkenbeiner warriors saved the Norwegian prince from invading enemies by skiing with him for 55 kms over two mountain ranges..."

"Fools. Even a beagle wouldn't do that!"

"...and taking him to the safety of a neighbouring village. Now here is the good news..."

"The birkie is actually a really long buffet bar with lots of meat dishes?"

"....we are just going to do the 5 km route this year rather than the 55 km route..."

"In your dreams!"

"But training needs to start today if we are going to accomplish this successfully!"

"Yet again....in your dreams!"

"Austin, I may require your assistance in this matter"

"Have you forgotten we bunk in the same kennel?", asks Austin with more than a little concern.


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