Legends of My Mind

On our walk this morning with the Whole Health Group, I faced an epic battle.  I knew when this horrible stench filled my nostrils that we were in trouble.  And then around the corner of the trail in front of us wandered this great beast of bear newly emerged from his hibernation.  He was hungry and he was angry.  Rising up on his hind feet he let out a mighty roar and then charged our group.  I considered fleeing but knew that I had to stand my ground and protect my fellow mates.  Letting out a roar myself, I charged that ugly bear.  The two of us locked in a dance of death just like Brad Pitt in Legends of the Fall.  Around and around we went with the bear swiping at me and with me trying to avoid the blows.  Tumbling in the dirt with this massive stinking beast I wanted to just succumb to the battle.  Then I thought of my group and knew that they needed me.  With one last show of strength I swung a mighty blow at the bear and connected with the soft flesh of his nose.  Before he could recover, I swung again!  Yelping in pain, the bear lumbered off down the path.  As I lay in the mud and leaves I marvelled that my only injury was a scratch on my eye.

Or...On our walk this morning with the Whole Health Group, I walked into a branch.  I will let you decide.


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