Living in 'oose Country

The Whole Health Group has let down their guard lately since we have not seen Miss Moose in at least two weeks.  The weather has been warm out here and the ice has melted from all the ponds, lakes and marshes.  We know that Miss Moose is luxuriating in the healing waters somewhere.
Wandering along carefree and apparently too carelessly, we are accosted by Mr. and Mrs. Goose.  Apparently they have taken up residence in the pond in the front yard and are settling into hatching and raising their young.  I will tell you that for an old married couple, their language is appalling.  Austin, who has the best set of ears in the Group, insists that they were hissing at one point.  Monty and Daisy who usually move slowly and by design ran amok in all directions yelping.  "I darn near had a heart attack" exclaims Daisy.  So now we know that a goose is fast and a goose will viciously protect its nesting territory....and we will walk another path until nesting season is over.  But who am I kidding.  Knowing us as well as you do, we all know that once the goose has departed, the Group will have the first known sighting of a mongoose on our ranch.  And for those of you who know me very well, you will know that the mongoose will have arrived to hunt the very rare tropical snakes that have taken up residence on this property.


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