In the Name of Science

Each day when our group takes our morning exercise, we walk along an electrical fence line.  This greatly concerns Daisy as she only has partial sight in one of her eyes.  With her decreased depth perception, she gives the fence line a very wide berth.  Austin, on the other hand, seems to delight in getting very close to the lines of electricity.  Out of concern for my welfare...oh and Austin's too...I am continually warning him away from the fence.  This doesn't seem to affect Austin's behaviour one bit as he lays his tail on the fence, sits in grass touching the fence and even leans against it.  I have anxiously been awaiting the surge of electricity travelling up the line to my hand courteousy of Austin's shenanigans.  Yet to my surprise there has been nothing.  I even tested the fence line to see if it was working and sure enough there is lots of electricity coursing through its strands.  Austin's ability to dance along this fence without repercussions has led to Daisy and I debating potential conductors of electricity.  While Daisy insists that Austin's tail and the grass along the fence line cannot be conductors of electricity based upon Austin's ongoing well-being,  I insist that they are conductors and Austin is just very lucky.  Today, Daisy and I were finally able to agree on a good conductor.  Apparently a stream of liquid travelling between your body and electrical fencing is an excellent conductor.  Daisy and I remain at odds though over whether Austin looks better with curly fur or not.


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