Day One of the Dream

Gathering the Whole Health Group around me, I tell them that it is time to check out this property and see what we have.  "I have only seen 20 acres of it", I tell them.  " We have another 130 acres to explore."
Daisy tells me that she is good with 20 acres.  To her that seems like a reasonable amount and she sees no need for more acres.  "C'mon Daisy", I say to her.  "This will be fun!"
Thirty minutes later while lying on our stomachs on the snow and trying to spread out our weight as evenly as possible so that we do not break through the crust on the snow and sink three feet down, Daisy turns to me and says "This is NOT fun!"  We watch as Austin trots past us for the tenth time nimbly on the top of the snow crust with his lean body and slim ankles.  "I am going to kill him" says Daisy.
 "OK", I say to Daisy trying to take control of the situation and spare Austin's life, "we are simply in a situation of adversity and this is part of our healthy development. We need to figure out how to respond positively in these situations.  Look at Monty.  He still seems pretty happy."  Monty's front feet had broken through the crust on the snow and he was currently doing a handstand in the deep snow with only his buttocks and his hind legs showing above the snow.  Yet he continued to happily wag his tail in the hopes that one of us would rescue him soon.  "I think he is just delirious from lack of oxygen", Daisy states dryly.

Our viewpoint as we started out for yonder woods.  In my defense, that snow looks shallow, doesn't it?

It wasn't shallow.  By this point, I was sinking up to my thighs in the snow with every step.  Since Daisy does not even come up to my knees, you can imagine where she was.....

We found this corral and old barn at the back of the ranch.  I seemed to be the only one excited by this prospect.  Monty seemed to be having a heart attack!
Aw is a positive.  We never would have seen this first sign of spring if  we hadn't been lying on our tummies in the snow. Daisy doesn't give a sh*!.


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