
As the numbers on the weight scale climb and my kids tell me I am even nuttier, I am not sure that this whole health group thing is working for me.  At first I thought that maybe Daisy and I had mixed up our training plans but she showed me hers and it quite clearly says eat everything and expend minimal energy on physical exercise.  I am considering that I might be better off in a fitness group with people. Rose says that is not the issue.  The problem is that I am listening to the canines and not the felines.  The whole group grew silent as Rose snapped on her 70's sweatband and pulled on her leg warmers.  When she leaned toward me, narrowed her green eyes and growled "I'll carve you a new figure" I actually clutched Daisy in fear.  Daisy, equally terrified, farted which set off Austin who chased Rose up a tree.  I wonder if people tree each other in their fitness groups?


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