Murray's Witness Protection

Licking off my fingers after finishing my chips and dip for breakfast, I look up to see a cat in sweatband and leg warmers glaring at me.  In my defence, I tell Rose that Daisy assured me it was a good breakfast.  Rose tells me this only proves her point about canines vs. felines.  In a much smaller voice I tell Rose that Daisy is comforting and this food is comforting.  Rose tells me life isn't always comfortable which I find to be an amazing piece of advice from a housecat.  Continuing my defence of comfort, I tell Rose that cousin Murray says that stepping in a small drop of water is a huge deal potentially affecting the future mobility of one of your limbs.  I have to start my day comfortably because one never knows when you are going to step in that water drop.  Rose demands the full name and address of this cousin Murray.  Don't worry Murray I will protect your identity as I eat my half a grapefruit tomorrow morning.


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