On Intelligence

Stella, still smarting from the baseball bat incident, arrived at group this morning with the latest list ranking dog breeds by intelligence.  She had highlighted Australian Shepherds in the above average section and beagles in the bottom ten.  Austin was beside himself with anxiety over this latest development.  He worried and worried about the impact this would have on his reputation in the neighbourhood.  What if the coyotes find out?  The list and its criteria for measuring intelligence merely elicits a snort from Daisy who wanted to know since when has following the rules denoted intelligence?  Like really all the great discoveries such as the theory of relativity and insulin have come from breaking the rules not following the rules.  Daisy continues to reassure Austin by reminding him of their great discoveries in garbage cans, children's lunchbags and the basement which was all a result of breaking the rules.  Monty, who has been studying the list produced by Stella, exclaims joyously that his breed is in the top ten!  See! says Daisy to Austin.


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