It's a Beautiful Day

We all marvelled at the wonderful weather during today's exercise session.  Austin tells us to enjoy the day because it is snowing in Manitoba and the clipper is on its way here.  While I was scratching my head over Austin's new found knowledge, he suddenly exclaimed "we had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun".  I asked Austin when he had heard that song.  He said what song?  As we continued romping through the field, Austin bursts out that "it's going to be a bright, bright sun-shiny day".  OK enough.  I demand to know when and how Austin is listening to this music.  Austin tells me to "don't worry, be happy".  Even Daisy is curious now and wonders if Austin is picking up a local radio station through the new growth on his head. Austin shushes us because he is "walking on sunshine, wooah, walking on sunshine, wooah, walking on sunshine, wooah and don't it feel good".  We've decided a musical Austin just seems to suit the weather and "it's a beautiful day, don't let it get away".


  1. oh Martha...while I am completely procrastinating a, make that taking a break from a review of next years CSPS skills exams and diagnostics, I am completely cracking up reading some of these. good on ya... this one is a fav!

  2. So happy to provide you with a break from what sounds like some pretty dry material. I still remember that beautiful sunny day. You couldn't help but sing.


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